• Women’s and Children’s

Shah Family Hospital for Women and Children

On September 26, 2023, Trillium Health Partners and the Government of Ontario announced Ontario’s first Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Focusing on health equity and inclusive care for everyone, this hospital will improve the health of families and communities for generations. When complete, the 200,000-square-foot facility will be located at the site of the current Mississauga Hospital and is designed to meet the highest standards of care.

This hospital for women and children is committed to creating safe care environments for all people and families accessing reproductive, gynecological, paediatric and postpartum care, including those who identify outside of the gender binary.

The Shah Family Hospital for Women and Children will be purpose-built for the families in our community, offering a full suite of specialized services, integrated care and health system partnerships that will improve generational health in Mississauga and West Toronto. By focusing on women, children, and equity-deserving groups, we are purposefully designing spaces differently to meet the needs of those who have historically been left behind or overlooked in the planning of health care services.

The future Shah Family Hospital for Women and Children will feature:

  • A full suite of highly specialized reproductive, gynecological and children’s health services for all people, focused on reducing health inequity and nurturing diversity.
  • Dedicated mental health inpatient beds for children and youth - a first for Mississauga.
  • High-quality care for all pregnancies and births, including access to care for low-risk pregnancies and specialized expert care for those that are high-risk, with modern labour and birthing suites for parents and families.
  • One of the largest neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in the province including specially designed couplet care suites to accommodate parents and babies staying together.
  • Access to state-of-the-art surgical suites to accommodate specialized procedures closer to home.
  • Family-centred care that stretches throughout all areas of the hospital and includes 100% private, all-gender washrooms, infant feeding areas and a dedicated paediatric zone in the emergency department.
  • Excellent patient and family experience with access to highly trained specialists.

No matter which door you enter through at our hospital, THP will continue to provide access to the right care, in the right place, at the right time. As we continue on this journey, there will be opportunities for the community and our partners to take part in the design of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, this will ensure we are creating a space that is meaningful and inclusive for all. Together, we are taking another big step toward building a new kind of health care for a healthier community.

Integrating women’s and children’s care in Fall 2025

Currently, our women’s and children’s care and services are being provided at both Mississauga Hospital and Credit Valley Hospital. Beginning in Fall 2025, all women’s and children’s care and services, including labour and delivery, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and other gynecological and reproductive health services, will be provided at Credit Valley Hospital until the Shah Family Hospital for Women and Children is complete. Bringing these services together in one place will provide a more patient-centered care model for patients and their families, as well as hospital staff.

Highlights of the integration plans include:

  • Select paediatric clinics will remain at or adjacent to the Mississauga Hospital, including the Family Care Centre and Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services. Once all plans for outpatient care are finalized, a comprehensive list of service locations will be made available.
  • All emergency departments will remain fully equipped and able to provide safe, accessible, high-quality care for children and people with pregnancy, reproductive and/or gynecological emergencies. If specialized care or admission is required, the hospital’s dedicated teams will work with the patient and their family to ensure they receive the right care at the right location.
  • Necessary renovations at Credit Valley Hospital over the coming year will provide additional Birthing, NICU and clinic space – including the introduction of couplet care, which allows babies requiring NICU care to be able to stay in a room with their parent/s while their birthing parent receives simultaneous postpartum care.

Trillium Health Partners is committed to communicating and engaging with our patients, providers and staff, community, and partners as we advance our mission of building a new kind of health care for a healthier community. Patients who already have plans to deliver at the Mississauga Hospital before the integration is complete will not be affected by this change and these births will proceed as planned. If patients are expecting their baby in the fall or winter of 2025, their primary care providers should be contacted with any questions. As the planning and transition to Credit Valley Hospital moves forward, information will be available on Trillium Health Partners website and social media channels and shared with the hospital’s staff and partners.

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